Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bachelor Fantasy Recap: Week 2 (Brad Womack)

HUGE MISTAKE watching the Bachelor on DVR on a snowy Tuesday afternoon and deciding to play the Bachelor drinking game. There I am watching Brad's bare feet slowly pacing through the plush grass, toes curling ever so delicately, while Seal's "Kiss From A Rose" gently weeps in the background....and before I could even wipe the tears from my eyes I wake up at 3am Wednesday morning with a dry mouth, a House of Cards made out of bread slices staring me in the face, Christmas music blasting, and all of my furniture turned upside down.

Two weeks in...girls are falling in love, girls are fighting, girls are crying, Brad is crying, women are wearing fangs, Brad is talking more and more like Brett Favre, and the cream is starting to rise to the top of the Bachelor Fantasy League standings. I'm not exactly sure what it is that sinks to the bottom, but that is where you will find Katie Decell, who threw up the doughnut (0 correct) for the 2nd straight week. Rumor has it she also bet on the Falcons this week and predicted it would not snow last Sunday night.

  • How did a football magically appear in the grass while Brad was walking bare foot, toes delicately curling, in the beginning of the show? Why did he pick it up but not throw it?

  • Ryan crying moment #1: From sadness -- Brad talking about his Dad being a deadbeat while "Listen to Your Heart" gently wept in the background. That song gets me every time.

  • Ryan crying moment #2: From laughter -- Brad with the hardest high-five I've ever seen any man give to a woman (I have seen my fair share).

  • Quote from Brad that Andrew Zelman would disagree with: "15 girls and one man...this is not my typical date."

  • Another quote from Brad that Andrew Zelman would disagree with: "Let's just have good clean fun...hanging out, no kissing."

  • Regarding the acting scenes: If Brad's moustache was real and he was Mexican, I don't think his name would be Gustavo. He strikes me as more of an Eduardo.

  • Chris Harrison is starting to wear really aggressive clothing. If that was a Facebook status I would hit the *LIKE* button.

  • Ryan crying moment #3: From pain - Emily crying while talking to her daughter over the phone. I was doing jumping jacks during this scene and rolled my ankle.

  • Most likely to get stabbed with a fork in broad day light by one of the other contestants: Birthday girl Michelle (also predicted in Week 1 recap to be most likely to stab Brad in broad daylight with a fork - bingo!).

  • Mental note: When looking to have a romantic dance with a girl, do not put on Train's new song "If It's Love". You'll end up looking like a white guy trying to do the Dougie.

  • Mental note: If someone asks you if Train's lead singer looks like an alien, say yes.

  • Bimbo comment of the night: Michelle - "What would I find in your refrigerator?"...Brad - "Eggs, turkey and water. ???"...Michelle - "Me too! Minus the eggs..."

  • I wonder if Roberto asked the producers to turn the air in the house down to 50 degrees in an effort to keep his upper lip sweat under control.

- Hickey

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